Tag Archive for: workflow

Tool Time: Quilt

All of us have our favorite tools and workflows. For me, I am a fan of git. One of the things I really like about it is git stash, because it lets me keep drafts of my changes and develop them incrementally. But there are times where you need to adapt your workflow to fit within the requirements your customer provides. For example, I’m working with subversion currently with a customer. And while I’m familiar with git-svn, it’s not always the right choice. So I dug around in my toolbox and found quilt from my pre-git days. It’s not quite the same as my usual workflow, but with a minimal of mental gymnastics I’m productive and working rather than fighting with my tools.

Here’s my quick guide to getting started using quilt. As a first step it’s worth looking at the quilt sub-commands:

$ quilt help
Usage: quilt [--trace[=verbose]] [--quiltrc=XX] command [-h] ...
       quilt --version
Commands are:
        add       fold    new       remove    top
        annotate  fork    next      rename    unapplied
        applied   graph   patches   revert    upgrade
        delete    grep    pop       series
        diff      header  previous  setup
        edit      import  push      shell
        files     mail    refresh   snapshot

Global options:

        Runs the command in bash trace mode (-x). For internal debugging.

--quiltrc file
        Use the specified configuration file instead of ~/.quiltrc (or
        /etc/quilt.quiltrc if ~/.quiltrc does not exist).  See the pdf
        documentation for details about its possible contents.  The
        special value "-" causes quilt not to read any configuration

        Print the version number and exit immediately.

Some of these are going to look familiar. This is because quilt was one of the inspirations for git. Some of the commands are a little different. For example, quilt fold is the equivalent of doing git rebase –interactive and using the squash and fixup keywords. Using quilt header is like setting your commit message when you git commit your changes. It even has quilt snapshot, which behaves like git stash, but I’m going to set it aside in favor or making new patches as I go. With all of this covered, it’s time to show a sample workflow:

$ quilt new first.patch
Patch first.patch is now on top
$ quilt add src/stuff.c
File src/stuff.c added to patch first.patch
$ ${EDITOR} src/stuff.c
$ quilt refresh
Refreshed patch first.patch
$ quilt new second.patch
Patch second.patch is now on top
$ quilt add src/stuff.c
File src/stuff.c added to patch second.patch
$ # ... and so on

What you’ll notice from the commands is what I feel is the hard part of this work flow, you must tell quilt what to track. Because it’s not your revision control system, quilt doesn’t know what the original state of a file is before you change it. However, with a little time you’ll be doing quilt new, quilt edit and quilt refresh without a second thought.

One noteworthy thing about quilt is the workflow for reviewing your changes. To see what your current patch looks like compared with the state of the tree prior to any changes, you do quilt diff. Note that this is akin to git diff HEAD in that it will disregard changes made since your last quilt refresh. To get the same type of output as git diff, you do quilt diff -z. When you wish to review your series of changes quilt pop will unapply the current patch, and quilt push will apply the next patch in your series. quilt series will list all patches in the series with quilt next, and quilt previous lists the next and previous patches in the series, respectively.

Developing on hardware without functional networking

One of the more painful steps in doing development on hardware is when you don’t have any networking that’s functional and reliable yet. So you end up having to shuffle a SD card, USB stick, or similar back and forth. This can be even less fun when you’re working on a prototype, and need to take care to avoid disconnecting a fragile collection of boards, wires, and cables.

While there are a few different ways to get around this problem, depending on what is and isn’t working, my current favorite is wireless enabled SD cards. Why? One reason is that they’re OS-independent. So long as the board can supply power the card will be able to bringup its network. Break booting into Linux with your latest change? Not a problem. Want to integrate with your existing build cycle? There are CLI tools, and at the end of the day you’re sending stuff via HTTP to the card so you can always write something yourself if you don’t like what you find for tooling. The biggest drawback to me is that it only supports exposing the first FAT partition, but on the other hand you can happily partition the card and there is no requirement on where the FAT partition physically resides.

To make the best use of these cards, there are a few tricks you will want to employ. And while everything is documented, I found it handy to make up some templates to work with when I was setting up my lab with a few cards. On each card I would leave the VERSION and CID fields alone as they are pre-populated, and then overwrite the rest of the contents based on my template, fill it in, and go. My template looks like:





A few of these choices are odd enough that they are worth explaining. First, while the cards can happily do DHCP, I don’t like relying on that in cases like this. I’m much happier to instead put the card in a case with a sticky note on top that notes the IP, for the next project I need it for. Next, I set APPMODE to 5 so that it will join my network rather than start its own. The TIMEZONE key is a little odd. It is UTC based but works in 15 minute increments, which can be useful, but is somewhat unexpected. Note that if you do not spell out UPLOAD=1 uploading of files is disabled. The default upload path is the root, and that is often what we will want. Finally, I have WLANAPMODE set to the value for 802.11n/g rather than the default of 802.11b/g. It is also worth noting that once the card has run with this config file, it will update and asterisk out your network passphrase.

At the end of the day, I like these, and have a number of them because they’re so versatile. They come in sizes up to 32GB, which is enough to have a pretty well featured distribution available; either for the board itself, or to chroot into during development to easily add perf or other tools to a stripped down system. They are a full-size SD card but that’s just an adapter away from fitting into a microSD slot which is how I use about half of mine. And if you don’t have a spare (or functional yet) SD slot a USB card reader works just as well to bring this into the system you’re working on.

Git workflow for upstreaming patches from a vendor kernel


Upstreaming patches from a vendor kernel is a constant process of trying to get on board a train, falling behind, and hopping back on again.

Typically, a vendor kernel is based on an older version of the kernel. As a result, one has to forward port a series of patches against the latest kernel mainline. This is seldom a pain free affair, since the patches may not apply without manual edits. For example, the kernel interfaces may have changed, patches merged into mainline could have conflicting changes, and so on. On top of all of this, you have the reality that this task will need to be performed a number of times while you track mainline.


I usually perform cherry-picking of each patch on top of the mainline branch from the vendor branch, which is usually based on some old stable point release. Let’s assume that there are tags pointing to the vendor and stable commits, this reports the number of patches on top of that stable release.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe stable

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe vendor

In this case, the patches are against stable v4.1.15 and there are 926 patches
on top of it; the format of the describe label is <tag>-<#-of-patches>-g<commit>


First we get our needed information on the master branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe master

Our master is today’s mainline kernel (v4.8-rc8) with just 13 patches on top of it. The problem with cherry-picking and manual editing is that when you edit the patch the commit id changes since the contents of the patch changes. We need a way to have a list of patches to cherry-pick, iteratively apply them, and manually fix any problems.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git checkout --track -b work master
Checking out files: 100% (33262/33262), done.
Branch work set up to track local branch master.
Switched to a new branch 'work'

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git log --reverse --oneline stable..vendor >patchlist.txt

We create file with a list of the commits we want to apply on the work branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ cat patchlist.txt | head -n 2
ff24250 ppc: Make number of GPIO pins configurable
e4d443c pci/pciehp: Allow polling/irq mode to be decided on a per-port basis

This is the standard oneline format of git log (in reverse since we want the list to be in chronological order). If we were to do this manually, we’d have to do it like this:

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git cherry-pick ff24250 

If the cherry-pick is successful, we can proceed with the next one and so on. Otherwise, we have to manually fix it and issue git cherry-pick –continue Why not automate this by picking out the commit from the list and work iteratively? We can’t simply use commit IDs because the commit ID changes after every edit. The following cherry-pick-list.sh script does the heavy lifting of picking out the commits for us. Given the patchlist file, it will git cherry-pick each commit in the list. However, it will skip the already applied commits which match the description. It does not consider commit IDs since those might have changed.


# get top
top=`git log --oneline HEAD^..HEAD | head -n1`
ctop=`echo ${top} | cut -d' ' -f1`
dtop=`echo ${top} | cut -d' ' -f2-`
l="$ctop $dtop"
if [ "$l" != "$top" ] ; then
        echo "Reconstructed top failure"
        echo $top
        echo $l
        exit 5

# get list of commits and descriptions

for i in `grep -v '^#' $1`; do
        c[${j}]=`echo ${i} | cut -d' ' -f1`
        d[${j}]=`echo ${i} | cut -d' ' -f2-`
        l="${c[${j}]} ${d[${j}]}"
        if [ $l != $i ] ; then
                echo "Reconstructed changeset failure $i"
                exit 5
last=$((j - 1))

# skip over patches that are applied (checking description only)
for i in `seq 0 $last`; do
        if [ "${dt}" == "${dtop}" ]; then
                echo "Match found at $i: $dt"
                match=$(($i + 1))
        # echo "$i: $ct $dt"

for i in `seq $match $last`; do
        echo "cherry-picking: $i: $ct $dt"
        git cherry-pick $ct
        if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
                exit 5;

It makes sense to work on a simplified example using the kernel’s README file.

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git checkout --track -b foo master
Switched to branch 'foo'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'master'.

Edit the README file resulting to the following patch:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index a24ec89..947fe6c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ kernel, and what to do if something goes wrong.


+  foo
Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across
the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.

Commit the change:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git commit -m 'foo description'
[foo 4b5f122b] foo description
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

List the patches on top of master in sequence:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse master..foo
4b5f122b foo description

Let’s create a new bar branch:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git checkout --track -b bar master
Switched to branch 'bar'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'master'.

Edit the README file resulting to the following patch:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index a24ec89..4e7043c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ kernel, and what to do if something goes wrong.


+  bar
Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across
the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.

Note that this conflicts with the foo patch, we will need to manually fix it later.

Commit the change:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git commit -m 'bar description'
[bar aba1679] bar description
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Make another commit that is conflict free:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git diff

diff --git a/README b/README
index 2788bfc..fbdf488 100644 
--- a/README
+++ b/README 
@@ -412,3 +412,4 @@ IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG:
gdb'ing a non-running kernel currently fails because gdb (wrongly)
disregards the starting offset for which the kernel is compiled.

+   more bar

Switch back to the foo branch to apply the changes in the bar branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git checkout foo
Switched to branch 'foo'
Your branch is ahead of 'master' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Generate the patchlist file:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse master..bar | tee patchlist.txt
22d7ac6 bar description
2be1bbb more bar description

Apply them using the script:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ cherry-pick-list.sh patchlist.txt  
cherry-picking: 0: 22d7ac6 bar description
error: could not apply 22d7ac6... bar description
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
Recorded preimage for 'README'

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,11 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


++<<<<<<< HEAD
+  foo
+   bar
++>>>>>>> 22d7ac6... bar description

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

Edit and fix it to look like this:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,8 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


+  foo
+   bar

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git add README

Edit the commit message (leaving the conflict or removing the Conflicts: tag)

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git cherry-pick continue
Recorded resolution for 'README'.
[foo cc9dc34] bar description
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Note the Recorded resolution line. Next time we will perform the same operation so we don’t have to repeat the manual fix. Run the script again to pick up the rest of the patchlist.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git cherry-pick continue
Match found at 0: bar description
cherry-picking: 1: 2be1bbb more bar description
[foo 63c1973] more bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Note the message Match found at 0:. The script picked up that the first commit has been applied (albeit manually edited) and continued with the rest, which apply without problems. List the patches on top of master on the foo branch. Note that the commit ids of the patch sequence have changed.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse master..
4b5f122b foo description 
cc9dc34 bar description
63c1973 more bar description

Now if we reset the foo branch back to the starting point:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git reset --hard HEAD^^
HEAD is now at 4b5f122b foo description

Try to apply the patchlist again to see what happens:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ cherry-pick-list.sh patchlist.txt
cherry-picking: 0: 22d7ac6 bar description
error: could not apply 22d7ac6... bar description
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit' 
Resolved 'README' using previous resolution.

Note the Resolved ‘README’ using previous resolution. This means that git determined that we are trying to perform the same edit and already made the change for us. Of course, it didn’t commit the change so that we have a chance to verify that it is correct.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,8 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


+  foo
+   bar

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

Just add the changed file as earlier:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git add README 
panto@hp800z:~/juniper/linux-medatom.git (foo)$ git cherry-pick --continue
[foo 2586dba] bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Use the script again and end up at the same result:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ ./cherry-pick-list.sh patchlist.txt 
Match found at 0: bar description
cherry-picking: 1: 2be1bbb more bar description
[foo 6641dd4] more bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

I’m not a regular git guru but I found out that this small script ended up saving me a large amount of repetitive work. I hope someone else will find this useful.