Using Rust with Yocto Project

by Paul Barker, Konsulko Group


Rust is a modern programming language which emerged from Mozilla Research around 2010 and has been stable since 2015 (see the history section of the Wikipedia article). Rust is an excellent fit for embedded software development due to its focus on performance and safety without the overhead of garbage collection or a large language runtime. The zero-cost abstractions provided by Rust support developer productivity, allowing the use of traits, generics, functional programming styles and other high-level approaches in the knowledge that the resulting assembly code will perform just as well as more verbose, hand written lower level code.

Now is a great time to pick up Rust if you work in the Embedded space. The Rust Embedded Working Group has produced an Embedded Rust Book for an audience with existing embedded development knowledge and the Discovery Book for an audience with no embedded experience but a desire to learn. The Linux kernel community has began discussing the use of Rust within the kernel itself and the OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project community is planning to move Rust support into the openembedded-core layer during the next release cycle.

The benefits of Rust largely stem from the language’s memory model, the borrow checker and other features which will be new to most developers learning Rust. The above resources from the Rust Embedded WG along with several published books and online tutorials cover this material well and so it will not be repeated in detail here. However, if you wish to develop software in Rust for production deployment you should expect to invest at least a few weeks in learning the language, assuming existing familiarity with other programming languages like C, Python or Java.

This article will introduce a couple of simple example applications written in Rust, discuss how to compile and run these applications natively on a Linux system using the Cargo build system and show how to create Yocto Project recipes for these applications using the cargo-bitbake tool. Some basic knowledge of the Yocto Project is assumed but no previous experience of Rust should be required.

Getting Started with Rust

In this section we will install Rust on our Linux system and create two simple applications.

Note that it is not necessary to have Rust installed natively in order to build applications and libraries written in Rust under bitbake. However, installing Rust natively does allow us to develop, test and debug applications on the host before we try to cross-compile them and it is an important step to take when learning Rust.

Installing Rust

The recommended way of installing Rust on a Linux system is to download and run the official installation script. When prompted with the installation options it is usually sufficient to select option 1 to use the defaults. This will install Rust in the current user’s home directory and modify the profile files to set necessary environment variables at login.

$ curl -sSf | sh

    <output snipped>

Current installation options:

   default host triple: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
     default toolchain: stable (default)
               profile: default
  modify PATH variable: yes

1) Proceed with installation (default)
2) Customize installation
3) Cancel installation

    <output snipped>

Rust is installed now. Great!

To get started you need Cargo's bin directory ($HOME/.cargo/bin) in your PATH
environment variable. Next time you log in this will be done

To configure your current shell run source $HOME/.cargo/env

After installing Rust you should log out and log back in to ensure that environment variables are set correctly.

Hello, World

As is traditional, we will begin by looking at a “Hello, World” application.

Each Rust application or library should have its own project directory. Within this directory, the source code is usually placed in a src directory and the top level directory contains the Cargo config file for the project
and any other collateral files such as a README file, LICENSE file, etc.

To create our project directory and populate it with initial files we can use the cargo init command:

$ cargo init hello-rs
     Created binary (application) package

Within our new hello-rs directory, this command creates an initial source file in src/ with the following contents:

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

This makes our job of writing a Hello World application very simple – no code modifications are needed!

The cargo init command also creates a Cargo.toml file in our project directory to store project configuration and metadata:

name = "hello-rs"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Paul Barker <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"

# See more keys and their definitions at


We should test our new Hello World application natively before we try to cross-compile it under bitbake. To do this we can use the cargo build and cargo run commands:

$ cargo build
   Compiling hello v0.1.0 (/home/pbarker/Projects/Rust/rust/hello-rs)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.29s
$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/hello-rs`
Hello, world!

The last stage for our hello world application is to publish it as a git repository so that it can be fetched and built in our Yocto Project environment. We should create a LICENSE file and a README file in the top level of the project for the benefit of anyone who wants to reuse our code. My preference is for the Apache license version 2.0 but feel free to use any appropriate open source license here.

We should also add some extra metadata to the Cargo.toml file to specify the license, briefly describe the project and link to the location where we will be publishing the repository. This metadata will be used by cargo-bitbake when we generate a recipe for our application. In my case the repository will be published to my GitLab account.

--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ name = "hello-rs"
 version = "0.1.0"
 authors = ["Paul Barker <[email protected]>"]
 edition = "2018"
+license = "Apache-2.0"
+description = "Hello World application"
+repository = ""
 # See more keys and their definitions at

To finish up, commit the project files to a git repository and push to a location which can be reached when building using Yocto Project. Alternatively, you can make use of the hello-rs repository I published under my GitLab account.

The Hello World application above will demonstrate only part of the capabilities of the cargo-bitbake tool and the Rust support in Yocto Project. To see how Rust dependencies are handled in Yocto Project we’ll need an application which actually depends on a Rust library (known as a crate). The print-rand application will fill this role as it uses the rand crate to generate random numbers.

As before we will start by creating the project using cargo init:

$ cargo init print-rand
     Created binary (application) package

We will now modify the src/ file to generate and print a random number:

use rand::prelude::*;

fn main() {
    let x: u32 = random();
    println!("x = {}", x);

We will also modify the Cargo.toml file to list the rand crate as a dependency:

name = "print-rand"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["Paul Barker <[email protected]>"]
edition = "2018"

rand = "0.7"

We can build and test this application in a similar way to the previous Hello World app. Note that each dependency is downloaded and built along the way:

$ cargo build
   Compiling libc v0.2.77
   Compiling getrandom v0.1.15
   Compiling cfg-if v0.1.10
   Compiling ppv-lite86 v0.2.9
   Compiling rand_core v0.5.1
   Compiling rand_chacha v0.2.2
   Compiling rand v0.7.3
   Compiling print-rand v0.1.0 (/home/pbarker/Projects/Rust/rust/print-rand)
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 3.60s
$ cargo run
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.01s
     Running `target/debug/print-rand`
x = 643356417

As before, we should add LICENSE and README files at this stage and extend the metadata in the Cargo.toml file:

--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ name = "print-rand"
 version = "0.1.0"
 authors = ["Paul Barker <[email protected]>"]
 edition = "2018"
+license = "Apache-2.0"
+description = "Print a random number"
+repository = ""
 # See more keys and their definitions at

Lastly, commit the project files to a git repository and push to a public location. As before you may alternatively make use of the print-rand repository I published under my GitLab account.

Using cargo-bitbake

Now that we have created a couple of simple Rust applications and published them we can look at creating bitbake recipes using the cargo-bitbake tool. The first step of this process is to install the tool itself:

$ cargo install cargo-bitbake

    <output snipped>

   Compiling cargo-bitbake v0.3.14
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 12m 30s
  Installing /home/debian/.cargo/bin/cargo-bitbake
   Installed package `cargo-bitbake v0.3.14` (executable `cargo-bitbake`)

Before we run cargo bitbake for each our projects we should ensure that all changes are committed and pushed to the remote repository. We should also check the remote URL for each repository as this will be used to set SRC_URI. If the remote URL uses SSH access then you should ensure that this can be reached using an SSH key from the Yocto build environment or switch to HTTPS access.

Once we’re happy with the state of our repository we can run cargo bitbake in the top directory of our hello-rs project (note that we use a space not a dash in the command here):

$ cargo bitbake
No package.homepage set in your Cargo.toml, trying package.repository

The message printed by cargo bitbake indicates that the repository entry in our Cargo.toml file was used as the homepage URL since we did not specify a separate homepage.

We can now look at the generated recipe file

# Auto-Generated by cargo-bitbake 0.3.14
inherit cargo

# If this is git based prefer versioned ones if they exist

# how to get hello-rs could be as easy as but default to a git checkout:
# SRC_URI += "crate://"
SRC_URI += "git://;protocol=https;nobranch=1;branch=dev"
SRCREV = "cec42fb0d147e4a4b271256c475620ff627c8856"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

# please note if you have entries that do not begin with crate://
# you must change them to how that package can be fetched
SRC_URI += " \

# FIXME: update generateme with the real MD5 of the license file
    file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327 \

SUMMARY = "Hello World application"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"

# includes this file if it exists but does not fail
# this is useful for anything you may want to override from
# what cargo-bitbake generates.
include hello-rs-${PV}.inc

As we noted above, the SRC_URI and SRCREV entries are based on the remote URI and the currently checked out commit of our local git repository. The SUMMARYHOMEPAGE and LICENSE entries are based on the metadata in our Cargo.toml file. The LIC_FILES_CHKSUM entry is set based on the LICENSE file in our project.

We can also generate a recipe for the print-rand project by running cargo bitbake in the top directory of this project:

$ cargo bitbake
No package.homepage set in your Cargo.toml, trying package.repository

The recipe is very similar to the previous recipe for our hello world application. The SRC_URISRCREVSUMMARY and HOMEPAGE are changed to the appropriate values for this project. The SRC_URI variable is extended with a list of the dependency crates required by this project, this includes not just the rand crate that we explicitly listed as a dependency in our Cargo.toml file but also all the recursive dependencies of this crate.

# Auto-Generated by cargo-bitbake 0.3.14
inherit cargo

# If this is git based prefer versioned ones if they exist

# how to get print-rand could be as easy as but default to a git checkout:
# SRC_URI += "crate://"
SRC_URI += "git://;protocol=https;nobranch=1;branch=dev"
SRCREV = "3397247f929f28d70adbb65d3990dc72699553bb"
S = "${WORKDIR}/git"

# please note if you have entries that do not begin with crate://
# you must change them to how that package can be fetched
SRC_URI += " \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \
    crate:// \

# FIXME: update generateme with the real MD5 of the license file
    file://LICENSE;md5=86d3f3a95c324c9479bd8986968f4327 \

SUMMARY = "Print a random number"
LICENSE = "Apache-2.0"

# includes this file if it exists but does not fail
# this is useful for anything you may want to override from
# what cargo-bitbake generates.
include print-rand-${PV}.inc

We can now add these recipes to a Yocto Project layer and build them using bitbake. Support for the Rust toolchain in Yocto Project is provided by the meta-rust layer so this layer must be included before these recipes can be built. As there are many ways to put together a Yocto Project build we won’t cover this in this blog post. However, you can see a walkthrough of this process in the Using Rust with Yocto Project demo presented at theYocto Project Summit Europe 2020.

Getting some help with build systems

One of the most rewarding parts of working at Konsulko Group has been our returning customers. Months, sometimes years, after we’ve successfully completed an engagement, we’ll hear from the same client (sometimes at the same company, sometimes at a new one) that they would like Konsulko’s help on their latest project.

Konsulko engineers have decades of experience at all levels of open source embedded software, from Linux kernel and low-level subsystems, through middleware and application development, to QA, maintenance and tools, but it is our expertise with the Yocto Project/OpenEmbedded build system that’s usually a part of everything we do.

From the time it first appeared in 2003, the OpenEmbedded build framework revolutionized embedded development, providing a systematic and reusable way to build custom Linux distributions for unique embedded devices. Almost ten years ago, OE became the build system of Yocto Project, and OE’s “recipe” approach was further structured and enhanced by layers.

Konsulko engineers have been there since the earliest days. We’ve seen a lot, learned a lot, and apply our expertise to helping our customers – old and new – build their “own” Linux distro for their own product.

Now a Mender Authorized Referral Partner

As Embedded Linux pioneers, Konsulko Group is excited to work with, a leader in open source over-the-air (OTA) software updates. Konsulko has already completed several successful projects for our customers using Mender end-to-end OTA software update manager. 

As a Mender Authorized Referral Partner we believe we can give our customers robust and secure open source OTA solutions that can be extended for large scale software deployments.

Please contact Konsulko Group directly to see how we can integrate open source over-the-air software updates into your next product.

Please read more on Mender’s blog.

Konsulko Group is going to Embedded World

When Embedded World began in 2003, Linux and open source were still a very small part of the embedded software business. Year after year, Embedded Linux has grown steadily. This year at Embedded World 2020 over 120 companies will be highlighting over 130 Embedded Linux products and services, including the Linux Foundation and Automotive Grade Linux (Hall 4 / 4-171).

If you are coming to Nuremberg, February 25-27, we hope will see you around the AGL stand, on the show floor, or at one of the many social events. Please contact us directly if you’d like to set up a meeting.

See you at FOSDEM

Konsulko Group engineers will be attending FOSDEM ’20 on February 1 & 2. Look for us during the conference around the Automotive Grade Linux and OpenEmbedded stands, or at Leon Anavi’s presentation on Saturday, Building Homebridge with the Yocto Project. Hope we see you in Brussels!

ELCNA technical talks and in-depth training

Embedded Linux Conference (ELC) is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference on embedded Linux and industrial IoT products. This year, ELC North America will be held in San Diego, August 21-23, 2019, at the beautiful Hilton Bayfront, right on the harbor and just over a pedestrian bridge from Petco Park and East Village.

On Thursday, August 22, Leon Anavi, Senior Software Engineer at Konsulko Group will present a Comparison of Open Source Software Home Automation Tools that allow users to customize the setup depending their own specific needs and manage devices manufactured by different vendors in one place. Leon will focus on popular open source tools, Home Assistant, OpenHAB and Domoticz, and explore the supported embedded Linux development boards on which these platforms can be installed, as well as the IoT with which they can interact out of the box.

Also on Thursday, Vitaly Wool, Senior Staff Engineer and General Manager of Konsulko AB, will give a technical talk on Secure Updates for a Memory Constrained XIP (eXecute In Place) System looking at technology that allows code to be executed directly from flash without copying the code to RAM first. The memory footprint can be optimized very tightly and this permits really low-power IoT Linux appliances. However, there is a big obstacle: no standard secure update process for such systems will work due to the very nature of XIP. How can you update the flash when it must always be ready to execute? This talk will provide some real world answers and examples.

The next day, Friday, August 23, Matt Porter, Konsulko Group CTO, will present a tutorial, Introduction to IIO and Input Drivers to briefly look at the Linux IIO and Input subsystems and how to gather information from hardware documentation to assist in software development. In a guided hands-on lab, students will write a new driver that leverages the IIO and Input kernel subsystems, and create their own game controller driver and use it to play a game on their devices.

For the first time in 2019, Embedded Linux Conference North America will co-locate with Open Source Summit North America. We hope you can join us, along with 800+ developers and technical experts from across the globe for education, collaboration, deep-dive learning, and some good times in San Diego.

Konsulko Group to present at ALS Tokyo

Now in its eighth year, Automotive Linux Summit connects the Linux developer community with vendors and users to drive the future of embedded devices in the automotive arena.

On Wednesday, July 17, Scott Murray and Matt Ranostay of Konsulko Group will present Building an AGL Telematics Profile Demonstration Platform. This profile serves as a base for building headless telematics device images. Scott and Matt will discuss a practical use case, using the profile to build an AGL demonstration platform for a vehicle tracker or an insurance company’s driver data collection device.

Co-located with Open Source Summit Japan, ALS will be held at this year at Toranomon Hills Forum in Tokyo.

A good time to talk with us

Whether you’re in a small start-up, a huge global company, or anything in-between, there are key moments in Linux-based software development when it’s time to decide how much can be handled in-house, and what requires some outside assistance.

Here are a four examples of a good time to talk with us:

  • Your engineers are experts at the top of your software stack, but kernel-level work needs to be done down near the bottom (where you don’t have much experience).
  • You’re dazzled by the power and complexity of the Yocto project and OpenEmbedded build system, and your team needs to get up to speed quickly.
  • You’re building your next generation product on new hardware and experience unforeseen “subtleties” in moving your code to the new platform.
  • You’ve crafted your software architecture from best-of-breed open source projects but you’re finding gaps that still need to be filled.

With 20-plus years of experience in embedded Linux architecture, development, build/CI, QA, maintenance and training, Konsulko Group can help you at every phase of your product cycle.

Any point in your development is a good time to contact Konsulko to discuss how we can work together.

For training, nothing beats hands-on

There are plenty of YouTube videos (and their open source equivalents) to help budding engineers master the intricacies of development, but often the best way to learn is to get in the same room as the experts, and go step-by-step through the process.

At SCaLE 17x in Pasadena earlier this month, Konsulko Group CTO Matt Porter taught a guided hands-on lab on leveraging IIO and Input kernel subsystems. In real time, Matt went line-by-line through the code, and the students were able to write a new driver and take the results with them on an embedded target board.

In this intimate and interactive setting, apprentice-level engineers could get personal attention if they were stuck or had any question, no matter how basic.

Matt’s session was part of the E-ALE (Embedded Apprentice Linux Engineer) project. At major embedded Linux events, E-ALE provides several days of hands-on tutorials driven by volunteer professional speakers who present apprentice-level material in a way that beginners can understand and use.

We hope to see you during the next set of E-ALE tutorials at the Embedded Linux Conference in San Diego this August.

As always, Konsulko Group can also offer hands-on embedded Linux training at your location for your engineers. Please contact us to discuss your requirements for custom, on-site training.

Looking forward to the OSLS Half Moon Bay

This week, Konsulko Group CEO Pete Popov will be attending the Linux Foundation’s Open Source Leadership Summit in Half Moon Bay, California. The OSLS has always been a premier forum for open source leaders convene to drive digital transformation with open source technologies, and learn how to collaboratively manage the largest shared technology investment of our time. An intimate event, OSLS fosters innovation, growth and partnerships among the leading projects and corporations working in open technology development. Hope to see you there.