Git workflow for upstreaming patches from a vendor kernel


Upstreaming patches from a vendor kernel is a constant process of trying to get on board a train, falling behind, and hopping back on again.

Typically, a vendor kernel is based on an older version of the kernel. As a result, one has to forward port a series of patches against the latest kernel mainline. This is seldom a pain free affair, since the patches may not apply without manual edits. For example, the kernel interfaces may have changed, patches merged into mainline could have conflicting changes, and so on. On top of all of this, you have the reality that this task will need to be performed a number of times while you track mainline.


I usually perform cherry-picking of each patch on top of the mainline branch from the vendor branch, which is usually based on some old stable point release. Let’s assume that there are tags pointing to the vendor and stable commits, this reports the number of patches on top of that stable release.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe stable

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe vendor

In this case, the patches are against stable v4.1.15 and there are 926 patches
on top of it; the format of the describe label is <tag>-<#-of-patches>-g<commit>


First we get our needed information on the master branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git describe master

Our master is today’s mainline kernel (v4.8-rc8) with just 13 patches on top of it. The problem with cherry-picking and manual editing is that when you edit the patch the commit id changes since the contents of the patch changes. We need a way to have a list of patches to cherry-pick, iteratively apply them, and manually fix any problems.

panto@dev:~/linux (master)$ git checkout --track -b work master
Checking out files: 100% (33262/33262), done.
Branch work set up to track local branch master.
Switched to a new branch 'work'

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git log --reverse --oneline stable..vendor >patchlist.txt

We create file with a list of the commits we want to apply on the work branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ cat patchlist.txt | head -n 2
ff24250 ppc: Make number of GPIO pins configurable
e4d443c pci/pciehp: Allow polling/irq mode to be decided on a per-port basis

This is the standard oneline format of git log (in reverse since we want the list to be in chronological order). If we were to do this manually, we’d have to do it like this:

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git cherry-pick ff24250 

If the cherry-pick is successful, we can proceed with the next one and so on. Otherwise, we have to manually fix it and issue git cherry-pick –continue Why not automate this by picking out the commit from the list and work iteratively? We can’t simply use commit IDs because the commit ID changes after every edit. The following script does the heavy lifting of picking out the commits for us. Given the patchlist file, it will git cherry-pick each commit in the list. However, it will skip the already applied commits which match the description. It does not consider commit IDs since those might have changed.


# get top
top=`git log --oneline HEAD^..HEAD | head -n1`
ctop=`echo ${top} | cut -d' ' -f1`
dtop=`echo ${top} | cut -d' ' -f2-`
l="$ctop $dtop"
if [ "$l" != "$top" ] ; then
        echo "Reconstructed top failure"
        echo $top
        echo $l
        exit 5

# get list of commits and descriptions

for i in `grep -v '^#' $1`; do
        c[${j}]=`echo ${i} | cut -d' ' -f1`
        d[${j}]=`echo ${i} | cut -d' ' -f2-`
        l="${c[${j}]} ${d[${j}]}"
        if [ $l != $i ] ; then
                echo "Reconstructed changeset failure $i"
                exit 5
last=$((j - 1))

# skip over patches that are applied (checking description only)
for i in `seq 0 $last`; do
        if [ "${dt}" == "${dtop}" ]; then
                echo "Match found at $i: $dt"
                match=$(($i + 1))
        # echo "$i: $ct $dt"

for i in `seq $match $last`; do
        echo "cherry-picking: $i: $ct $dt"
        git cherry-pick $ct
        if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
                exit 5;

It makes sense to work on a simplified example using the kernel’s README file.

panto@dev:~/linux (work)$ git checkout --track -b foo master
Switched to branch 'foo'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'master'.

Edit the README file resulting to the following patch:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index a24ec89..947fe6c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ kernel, and what to do if something goes wrong.


+  foo
Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across
the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.

Commit the change:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git commit -m 'foo description'
[foo 4b5f122b] foo description
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

List the patches on top of master in sequence:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse
4b5f122b foo description

Let’s create a new bar branch:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git checkout --track -b bar master
Switched to branch 'bar'
Your branch is up-to-date with 'master'.

Edit the README file resulting to the following patch:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index a24ec89..4e7043c 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ kernel, and what to do if something goes wrong.


+  bar
Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across
the Net. It aims towards POSIX and Single UNIX Specification compliance.

Note that this conflicts with the foo patch, we will need to manually fix it later.

Commit the change:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git commit -m 'bar description'
[bar aba1679] bar description
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)

Make another commit that is conflict free:

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git diff

diff --git a/README b/README
index 2788bfc..fbdf488 100644 
--- a/README
+++ b/README 
@@ -412,3 +412,4 @@ IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG:
gdb'ing a non-running kernel currently fails because gdb (wrongly)
disregards the starting offset for which the kernel is compiled.

+   more bar

Switch back to the foo branch to apply the changes in the bar branch.

panto@dev:~/linux (bar)$ git checkout foo
Switched to branch 'foo'
Your branch is ahead of 'master' by 1 commit.
  (use "git push" to publish your local commits)

Generate the patchlist file:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse | tee patchlist.txt
22d7ac6 bar description
2be1bbb more bar description

Apply them using the script:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ patchlist.txt  
cherry-picking: 0: 22d7ac6 bar description
error: could not apply 22d7ac6... bar description
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
Recorded preimage for 'README'

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,11 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


++<<<<<<< HEAD
+  foo
+   bar
++>>>>>>> 22d7ac6... bar description

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

Edit and fix it to look like this:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git diff
diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,8 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


+  foo
+   bar

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git add README

Edit the commit message (leaving the conflict or removing the Conflicts: tag)

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git cherry-pick continue
Recorded resolution for 'README'.
[foo cc9dc34] bar description
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Note the Recorded resolution line. Next time we will perform the same operation so we don’t have to repeat the manual fix. Run the script again to pick up the rest of the patchlist.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git cherry-pick continue
Match found at 0: bar description
cherry-picking: 1: 2be1bbb more bar description
[foo 63c1973] more bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Note the message Match found at 0:. The script picked up that the first commit has been applied (albeit manually edited) and continued with the rest, which apply without problems. List the patches on top of master on the foo branch. Note that the commit ids of the patch sequence have changed.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git log --oneline --reverse master..
4b5f122b foo description 
cc9dc34 bar description
63c1973 more bar description

Now if we reset the foo branch back to the starting point:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git reset --hard HEAD^^
HEAD is now at 4b5f122b foo description

Try to apply the patchlist again to see what happens:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ patchlist.txt
cherry-picking: 0: 22d7ac6 bar description
error: could not apply 22d7ac6... bar description
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit' 
Resolved 'README' using previous resolution.

Note the Resolved ‘README’ using previous resolution. This means that git determined that we are trying to perform the same edit and already made the change for us. Of course, it didn’t commit the change so that we have a chance to verify that it is correct.

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ diff --cc README
index 947fe6c,4e7043c..0000000
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@@ -6,7 -6,7 +6,8 @@@ kernel, and what to do if something goe


+  foo
+   bar

Linux is a clone of the operating system Unix, written from scratch by
Linus Torvalds with assistance from a loosely-knit team of hackers across

Just add the changed file as earlier:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ git add README 
panto@hp800z:~/juniper/linux-medatom.git (foo)$ git cherry-pick --continue
[foo 2586dba] bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

Use the script again and end up at the same result:

panto@dev:~/linux (foo)$ ./ patchlist.txt 
Match found at 0: bar description
cherry-picking: 1: 2be1bbb more bar description
[foo 6641dd4] more bar description
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)

I’m not a regular git guru but I found out that this small script ended up saving me a large amount of repetitive work. I hope someone else will find this useful.

Google recognizes the contributions of U-Boot maintainer Tom Rini

Google’s Open Source Peer Bonus Program has recognized Konsulko Group’s own Tom Rini for his contributions as the maintainer of U-Boot. Congratulations to Tom for his hard work maintaining this critical part of many embedded Linux systems.

Five years ago the Open Source Programs Office established the Open Source Peer Bonus Program to remind Googlers of the importance of the myriad developers outside of Google who keep open source healthy and growing.

The program works like this: we invite Googlers to nominate open source developers outside of the company who deserve recognition for their contributions to open source used at or relied on by Google. After review by a team of volunteer engineers, the recipients receive our heartfelt thanks and a small token of our appreciation.

We have recognized more than 500 open source developers from 30+ countries who have contributed their time and talent to over 400 open source projects.

Having just finished the latest round of the program, we’d like to recognize the individuals and the projects they worked on. Here’s everyone who gave us permission to thank them publicly:

Tom Rini U-Boot



Konsulko Group at OpenIoT Summit and Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2016

The Konsulko Group team will be at OpenIoT Summit and Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2016. We are presenting three sessions between the two conferences:

Most of our team will be at the conference so look for us in the hallway track and let’s talk embedded Linux and other FOSS projects.

GPGPU Offload Phase 1


As part of an ADAS project using embedded Nvidia GPUs, we are conducting an investigation into the current state of GPGPU support including development, debug, and performance analysis tools starting with Nvidia GPUs. Since large customer proprietary applications can be diffcult to work with, we needed a simpler test case we could modify and extend. We decided to make an open source test application that has some of the charactersitics of a typical production ADAS application. Since there is a lot of public research into lane detection and warning systems, as well as some bits of free software available to leverage in implementation, we chose to make a simple Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) application.

Lane Departure Warning System Overview


LDWS is an OSS application which serves as our test bed for GPGPU tool evaluation. The phase 1 version can be found on the ldws-p1 branch in the LDWS repository. LDWS is a C++ application developed using OpenCV 3 and is under a mix of Apache and MIT licenses. Complete build and use documentation can be found in the project README.


The phase 1 requirements are:

  • Run on Linux desktop system with Nvidia GPU
  • Be written in C/C++
  • Leverage both OpenCV and existing FOSS lane detection projects
  • Accept video input from Xle
  • Detect lanes in video and highlight the current lane
  • Detect position in lane and warn if crossing lane marker
  • Lane detection and warning need only be good enough quality to demonstrate concept
  • Support two different test videos
  • Support CPU only and OpenCL offload modes via runtime selection
  • Display realtime and average frames per second


LDWS is implemented as a C++ application leveraging cmake for build, OpenCV 3 for image processing, tclap for command line arg processing, and libconfig++ for configuration file processing. It is composed of a main video handling loop, a configuration storage class, and a lane detection class.

On initialization a config store is instantiated which reads all configuration variables from combination of command line options and configuration file options. A file or capture device is opened to provide the video feed to the video handler. Each video frame is then processed using a sequence of algorithms to detect a set of lines present. Using the detected lines, the ProcessLanes() method of the LaneDetector class then determines lane boundaries and draws the detected boundaries on the video for output. The video handler computes frames per second values and draws the processed video frame before fetching another frame of input video.

LDWS in CUDA mode with dual lane test video

During development it was decided it was better to pull a Phase 2 requirement of CUDA support into Phase 1 so LDWS supports runtime switching (via a command line switch) between CPU-only, OpenCL-offload, and CUDA-offload. LDWS displays the mode as CPUOpenCL, or CUDA during execution as well as the per-frame FPS value measured. At completion of a video input file, LDWS prints the average FPS maintained during the entire run.

The basic image processing algorithms that LDWS employs are:

LDWS leverages the lane detection algorithm implemented in the opencv-lane-vehicle-track project and the lane departure warning algorithm implemented in the Python-based Lane Departure Warning project. The lane detection algorithm performs a simple angular filtering of lines followed by a selection of the best line based on distance of points from midpoint. The lane departure sensing using a simple line crossing methodology. A horizontal meter line is drawn on the display with the current crossing points of the detect lane marker edges tracked by dots on each end of the meter. If the positioning dots move too far either direction on the meter then a threshold event indicates that the vechicle is moving out of the lane.

LDWS provides a command line option to enable display of intermediate video frame data during each step of the image processing sequence. These screenshots show the detected edges and lines, respectively, for one frame of video.

Canny edge detector output
Hough transform line detector output

Limitations and Improvements

The simple algorithms employed result in only a good enough quality lane detection system. Use of Canny edge and Hough line detection from a vehicle mounted camera perspective is highly susceptible to shadows from trees and other overhead objects on the road as well as being poor in low-light or night conditions. Note the shadows in the following frame on a sunny day.

Road with shadows from overhead objects

Notice how the Canny edge detector finds the horizontal edge of the shadows in the region of interest.

Shadow lines from Canny edge detector

The lane detection algorithm itself assumes the vehicle is always at the midpoint on the image which is not the case when changing lanes so the algorithm with vote up lines during lane changes that are not actually lane markers. The result of all of these factors means that the application suffers from losing track of lane markers in all but ideal conditions. The following is an example of it losing sync periodically.

LDWS loses sync, unable to detect the right lane marker

Functional improvements can be made by employing one or more of the following methodologies:

  • Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) using Homography for “birds-eye view” based line detection.
  • RANSAC Spline Fitting to improve identification of lane marker lines
  • Utilize color data in lane marker detection
  • B-Snake lane model for curved lane detection

Some or all of these approaches are generally combined with the existing basic Canny edge and Hough transform algorithms for a production grade system.



Describe three modes of operation and limits of tools.


Explain perf stat CPU utilization and in-app FPS figures.



The basis of our performance analysis centers around statistical sampling using the Linux perf tool. We start by examining the CPU mode case in the following perf report fragment. The important aspect to note is the top offender in our application with is the call to cv::HoughLinesProbabilistic. That is by far the biggest consumer of CPU cycles in the application. This is completely expected as our lane detection algorithm heavily relies on detecting all lines in each frame of the video feed. You may notice other curious consumers of CPU time in libQt5Gui and These are all products of the display of each resulting frame to the UI and capture/decode of video frames from our source video feed. Since we are only concerned about the portion of our ADAS algorithms that could be offloaded to a GPU, we discard these areas as out-of-scope for this particular project. In a production system, we would avoid using inefficient OpenCV blending/drawing paths and would utilize hardware assisted decode of video frames.

#       Overhead       Samples  Command / Shared Object / Symbol
# ............................  ...................................................................................................................................................
    99.67%          5551        ldws
       32.34%          1441
          21.51%           856        [.] cv::HoughLinesProbabilistic

           2.40%           252        [.] cv::CvtColorLoop_Invoker<cv::RGB2Gray<unsigned char> >::operator()
               cv::CvtColorLoop_Invoker<cv::RGB2Gray<unsigned char> >::operator()

           2.11%            77        [.] cv::FillConvexPoly

       28.67%          1048
           2.54%            91        [.] 0x00000000002f3a13

       12.49%           765
                                      no entry >= 2.00%
        5.12%           204
           4.55%           164        [.] cv::hal::addWeighted8u

Another way to visualize our CPU usage is in the following Flamegraph. Note that the widest elements in the graph are the hot spots in CPU utilization. If we again discard the video input and UI areas, it can be seen that the cv:HoughLinesProbabilistic() is the top offender. Just to the left, it can be seen that LaneDetector::ProcessLanes() is a close second. We know from our development of the lane detection algorithm that the ProcessLanes() functionality is not going to be offloaded as it is basic post processing of the lines gathered from the Hough transform.

Dual lane CPU Flamegraph

Another way to look at our application is with a traditional callgraph. By zooming in on our area of concern, we get the results seen in the following diagram. Once again, excluding those paths on the right that are out-of-scope, we can clearly see that cv::HoughLinesProbabilistic is a great place to focus on performance improvements.

Dual lane CPU Callgraph